The 7 VITAL Keys to Study the Bible and Prophecy,

When we come about reading and studying the Bible, the MOST IMPORTANT thing is understanding the 7 vital keys that open our mind to Bible’s comprehension.

For centuries men have tried to interpret the Bible and its symbols according to their own ideas, resulting mostly in chaos and confusion. An important key to understanding biblical prophecy is that these symbols must be plainly interpreted in the Bible itself, in their immediate context or elsewhere. Strictly human interpretations are of no value. We must seek out and rely on God’s interpretation, not our own.

In the 7 Vital Keys to understand the Bible and Prophecy’s document, we explore those keys and how to apply them to gain a healthy Bible comprehension.

The first Key: Prayer, Obedience and Open Mind with the Help of the Holy Spirit

Second Key:   Understanding Fundamental Biblical Principles

Third Key:      Understanding Symbolisms

Fourth Key:    Understanding Important Bible Concepts (Foreshadows, Types)

Fifth Key:       British Israelism

Sixth Key:      Approach first the Bible literally (normally) allowing for normal use of figurative language

Seventh Key: Understanding God’s Plan and Timeline
